Alfie took his driving test for the second time this morning. When learned english. Take the... © British Council The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. Yesterday I woke up early, had breakfast and had video lessons with some teachers, then I started doing my homework while listening to music. How did you fail again? Then read the conversation below to learn more. Look at the table below. Alfie: What can I say? What did you do all day in the airport?Did you have enough food?We didn't think you would get home in time for your birthday. In the late afternoon instead I did training with my teammates and finally in the evening I watched tv and I relaxed. Yesterday I didn't do many things. At 13:30 I had lunch and ten I started to watch an episode of a Tv series on Netflix.ù yesterday I went to college, then I went to my home , I ate my launch, I watched movie during the... yesterday iI went to college, then I went to my home , I ate my launch, I watched movie during the... Can you guess what this week's photo is? Some verbs are irregular. Yesterday I went to the college , I studied grammar. However, I managed to do everything. Yesterday I go to up at 8:30 am because I had a history video lesson, at 9:30 I finished it and at 10 am I had breakfast. Good question. Because in terrible weather, I always at home. Good. At 8 pm I had dinner and then I watched TV with my brother. Sophie: Not at all. There are three kinds of pronunciation: /d/, /t/ and /ɪd/. Yes when we were returning from Romania with my parentele tok a very powerful storm. Yes, I did. Yesterday I woke up at 8.30 am, then at 9:00 I had an online Italian lessons, and at 11:30 an Latin online lessons. Just then a cat appeared from nowhere!Oliver: Did you hit it?Alfie: I did. yesterday I woke up at 9, after breakfast I followed an online Latin lesson, then I did my homeworks. Not another cat?Alfie: I know! Sophie: It was a strange feeling having no Internet connection, no phone line. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). Sophie: Yes, I got there, but hundreds of other people had the same idea. The past forms don't change. It was really harmful. Sophie has just arrived home after a work trip to the United States which turned into a nightmare. Yesterday i was in quarantine, so my day was a little boring, because i did my homework all the time and in the evening i watched tv. (take → took)That was when we spoke. Write sentences with different verbs in them. Yesterday, I learn about the grammar and a new verbs, Also a new skills in reading and talking, Such as the voice when we said a word how we spell it and write it, Also I learn a new skills in the vocab, regular verbs and grammar. Nobody can kill two cats on two driving tests! We planned that we would stay there for 2 days. After that I learnt some English vocabulary and I watched a film. Then I had dinner with my family and we all watched a movie together. Usually my days re like this. From 11:30 to 13 I had another Latin video lesson. Finally, do the grammar exercises to check you understand, and can use, regular past simple verbs correctly. At 1pm I had lunch and in the afternoon I did my English homework. But once I was coming home from school and a very bad storm broke with hail and went home all wet. Daisy: So, what did you do all day in the airport? Oliver: Did you think it would be for so long? Regular past simple forms are formed by adding -ed to the infinitive of the verb. Past simple 1 GapFillTyping_MTYzMjI= Past simple 2 GapFillTyping_MTYzMjM= Past simple questions and negatives. become. Yes I liked it. It is often used with past time references (e.g. See, it is easy! When they found out it was my birthday, one of them gave me his last bar of chocolate! When the storm ended, our school field was like a swimming pool. And the negatives are all formed with did + not + the infinitive without to. Did you live abroad? It's not so bad. Yes, I liked a lot this grammar snack. We’re all so used to being connected all the time. Finally at 11 pm I went to sleep. Yes, I like it! Then read the conversation below to learn more. Yes, I got stuck in a terrible weather once in school. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). Unfortunately because of the coronavirus my city is in quarantine and we cannot go out, but I still manage to have a nice day. I live in Hong Kong where does not have terrible weather. You mean there are verbs that don't end in -ed in the past? Do you want to come over?Alfie: Yeah, OK. See you in five minutes. The chart below includes examples of regular verbs and their past tense form, as well as their future tense form for your easy reference: A great way to understand how past tense verbs are used is to see them in sentences. Did you like this grammar snack? Finally I watched TV series and I went to bed. I had luch with mom and dad. yes , last year ,my sister and I got stuck in the mall because of the bad weather , luckely we found a restaurant and we stayed there until the storm disappeared, Yes! He walked across the road so I started to drive. No, the form doesn't change. bear. !!! They can be regular verbs that simply end with a "d" or an "ed" or they can be irregular and change their spelling to show the past tense. Finally in the evening I prepared pizza, watched a good movie, and finally went to bed. Yesterday I got up at 8 o’clock and I had breakfast. After I was on video call with another friends of mine and we did some homework together. But you also need to learn the irregular past simple forms. During the morning i tided my room. Were you able to have a shower? They're all the same. I wanted to eat some ice cream. Yes, but there are some spelling rules. It was a very peaceful day. I spend time on the sea beach. So, we carried on with the test, but I was too nervous and I crossed a red traffic light.Oliver: Poor you, mate! I did my homework, i read a comic and i had dinner. I went to BC (British Council) on Wednesday to increase my English skills with my teacher Rachel!! I know - it’s totally crazy. Yesterday in the morning I had some video lessons. Irregular verbs usually change the spelling for their past tense form. And de started to stop, Yes, once I was returning from the sea and a very bad storm arrived. yesterday, two years ago). Since it was a beautiful day I went to the garden to read a book. This week we're feeling sporty. Exactly! Then I did my homework. We stayed at my grandparents' house last summer. Examples of Past Tense Verbs. yesterday i come to college and learn grammar. I made, you made, he made, she made, it made, we made, they made! be. Yes, I did. I wanted to leave before the storm came. start → startedkill → killedjump → jumped. Sophie: I met some really nice people! yesterday i woke up at 9 o' clock i had breakfast and i did my homework . I haven’t. This chart includes examples of the original verb and the past tense: Here are several examples of irregular verbs being used in sentences. For more information on past tenses, check out ESL Past Tenses and Verb Lesson Plans. All right, that makes sense, but how do you form questions and negatives? Did he pass? On my birthday I had a packet of crisps and a two-day-old sandwich for lunch. at 12:30 i had lunch with my family. At 5 I trained with my friends in a video call. You’re joking, aren’t you? The story could just be about what you did last weekend. Finally, after dinner, we watched a film together.

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