Here are 5 examples of the subtle sexism demonstrated in schools, that are regressive and hurt a student’s learning experience. They do, after all, earn on average better grades than their male counterparts. This creates an environment in which one gender (male) is considered “better” and the other gender (female) is put down. An example of this comes from the book Children’s Gender Schemata by Lynn Liben and Margaret Signorella: a female child misses the bus home from school and decides to walk the short distance home rather than call someone to pick her up. If the husband is relocated she is one that will quit her job and move with her husband. All of these contribute to the idea that the sexes are different in more ways than just physically, and that children must adhere to what is “correct” for their sex. Children are taught that the genders are so different that their cannot be any cross between them, and so insults like “you _____ like a girl” or “that’s too girly” are born. Particular … When girls hear someone use their gender as an insult what they’re hearing is “all girls are weak”, or perhaps even “you’ll never get ahead if you act like a girl”. The children in these families see how their parents function, who is responsible for what and what jobs are considered for mommy and what jobs are considered for daddy, and they apply that knowledge to their own relationships when they get older. These types of encouragements and reinforcements lay the foundation for what comes later in life: sexism and misogyny . This cycle of “habitual and unconscious dialogue of misogyny [is] so stuck in our culture” (Chaplin) that we don’t even stop to realize the effects of it. Boys and girls gravitate towards those things because that is what they have been taught to do. It also teaches boys that it’s okay to disrespect women this way.

In both groups the kids are being taught skills that are within the confines of traditional gender roles. The Healthy Living badges and Science and Technology badges “teach girls how scientists measure happiness...emphasize the beauty benefits that result from eating well-balanced and nutritious meals” (McGowan). A child who is raised in a household where the mother does all the cooking, cleaning, caring for the children etc. All three costumes used to portray the characters have the ideal male body type: tall and … The truth is that “[children] will play with anything...until age three...[when] parents push children into more gender-specific items” (Berg 35). However, studies have found that often times when male and female children perform the same action or behave in the same way, one gender is praised and the other is punished. Another example shown in the video is when the girl is slightly older and she is using a power tool; instead of encouraging her and the project she was trying to build her father tells her she shouldn’t be using that tool, and to hand it to her brother. The root of the misconception, the sexism, starts at the very beginning, from the day parents bring their child home.

Staff had observed casual sexism in class, such as cat-calling, sexist jokes and derogatory language. It has been said that, while the wife may have more responsibilities with the household and the children, it evens out with the husband because he “loses out to a greater or lesser degree on the joys associated with household work-especially raising of children” (Shaw 449). These models are dangerous to females for several reasons. Schools have put a new meaning on sexism and double standards. An example of this comes from the book Children’s Gender Schemata by Lynn Liben and Margaret Signorella: a female child misses the bus home from school and decides to walk the short distance home rather than call someone to pick her up. So often in life we see the inequalities between men and women. Young girls are not often encouraged to pursue STEM subjects, and what they are encouraged to do is usually along the lines of a “feminized skill set” (McGowan). Time and time again we see the detrimental effects of sexism. There are so few women in STEM jobs fields today because they were not encouraged to go into that field the same way men were. The only way to have true equality and division of work, chores and stress is to actually divide things equally and not let (or expect) the burden of most or all of it fall on one person. 1. We should be teaching Girl Scouts the same skills we are teaching Boy Scouts, and encouraging them into science the way we encourage the boys into science. An example of this is having double standards and sexism towards the dress codes. When she tells her parents what happened they become upset at her for acting in a dangerous and irresponsible manner; she could have been harmed walking home alone. But children will play with just about anything, they will try just about any activity and will usually enjoy it, until someone comes along and says they shouldn’t because that activity or toy does not fit within their gender stereotype.

It is the child’s family that teaches them through these ways. Too often during a girl’s life she is discouraged from sciences and mathematics; no one comes outright and says she shouldn’t go into those fields, but through subtle cues she is “[pushed] away from pursuits believed to be for boys” (Monllos). In contrast, benevolent sexism includes protective paternalism (i.e., belief that men must protect women) and complementary gender differentiation (i.e., belief that women and men are different and complement one another). For women who hold jobs outside the home, the housework and child care they also do is like a second job; they return home from a paid job and begin their second job of being a wife and mother. On the flip side of this you have the boy scouts, who are learning how to do things like shoot an arrow, camp, and climb mountains. Laura Bates. We show them that being a girl a bad thing by allowing them to use the excuse “that’s for girls” as a reason not to do something. And even when women are given the opportunity to be in positions of power and leadership they are not given the same respect as a man in their same position would get. This implies that the tool is not safe in the girl’s hand, and that girls are not supposed to deal with such tools.

Research has shown that “individuals tend to hold negative stereotypes of female managers...[they] were [given] more negative attributes compared to male managers...[and were] more likely than men to be implicitly associated with incompetent managerial traits” (Mayor, 77). This unequal divide of work is the consequence of the “head-compliment” marriage model, where the husband is the main or sole breadwinner and the wife is the caretaker of the home, and the “junior partner/senior partner” marriage model, wherein both partners work, but the wife’s job is considered secondary to her husband’s and she is still responsible for being the caretaker of the home. The video aims to “make people think twice about how they interact with young girls [and show] how we treat children- particularly young girls- impacts the choices they make”. For example, many schools and colleges in America have stereotypically masculine mascots to represent their schools. It begins at birth, with parents forcing stereotypical gender preferences on their children in an attempt to keep them in the “norm”. Even though this is true, there is  “paradoxically a loss of women at each step of the academic ladder leading to their underrepresentation at the doctoral level and among researchers” (Faniko 26). It discourages girls from working with their hands, and building things from scratch. These aren’t specific to one campus’s population, but issues that reach far beyond into even the best schools of the country. We can create a generation that doesn’t label everything as being “girly” or “masculine”.

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