HENDERSON, P.D. It can therefore be wrong to equate wood fuel use exclusively with drain on the forest, and to do so can lead to misleading conclusions in planning future wood fuel supplies Eventually, however, such intense pressures can lead not just to destruction of the forest but to complete removal of all tree and scrub cover In the densely populated Gangetic plain, for example, the forest cover has been reduced to 0.35 percent of the land area in West Bengal and to about 2 percent in Uttar Pradesh. An analysis of national per caput averages in 1971 disclosed a slight negative correlation between fuelwood consumption and income growth in Asia, but no discernible correlation in Africa and Latin America. An impression of the role of wood fuel in rural villages in developing countries is given in Table 2, which reproduces estimated energy budgets, including human and animal energy, for a number of prototypical composite villages in Asia, Africa and Latin America (Makhijani and Poole, 1975). The other energy crisis: Firewood, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C. and The little-known crisis: firewood scarcity in the human habitat Ceres, November-December 1975, Rome, FAO. Further ways to shape charcoal policies are described in the following paper: "Shaping charcoal policies: context, process, and instruments as exemplified by country cases". All Rights Reserved. Comparative advantages of locally produced/managed energy sources must be fully exploited to stimulate regional economic growth. In Thailand the household use of fuelwood in the wood-poor central region is less than half what it is in the rest of the country. Despite training support, charcoal burners eventually abandon the improved technology. PRINGLE, S.L. To be environmentally beneficial, highly efficient kilns and renewably-sourced fuels are required. This is a further simplified and abridged version of The Kenya Charcoal Policy Handbook (above), especially focused on informing producers, transporters and vendors about the current legislation as well as how to apply for licenses. Charcoal is considered quite a bit less dense than water and one set of tables gives the density as circa 400 kg.m-3 . All gases from carbonization are destroyed by a flare. Urban use can lead to very large concentrates demands. 1976. A World Bank Publication from some years ago still correctly illustrates the problems of underpricing and provides methods for estimating adequate woodfuel stumpage values (see: Fuelwood Stumpage. For farm woodlot use, the trees will have to be species that are easily established and managed. wood. In the course of the five to ten years that it will take for a fuelwood plantation to produce wood of harvestable size, it might be possible to raise incomes in a particular area to the level where kerosene or some other commercial fuel could be used. Charcoal burns more cleanly than wood or dried biomass, producing higher temperatures and it is cheaper to transport and store. This has led to many countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, Gambia etc, to impose bans on charcoal. Some carry up to five bags of charcoal. The best fuelwood species may be quite different from the best timber or pole species. Energy can be stored in many different types of substances and systems. TA 1536. Marginal profits (20-30%) go to the charcoal producers– and virtually none to those communities, whose forest areas are being depleted in the process. The production capacity of screw presses is around 40 to 70 kg per hour. Source: FAO estimates of wood fuel; UN Statistical Yearbook, 1973. Charcoal production is a labour-intensive process, employing a large number of people at different phases of the process and distribution. And, Timber trends study: de tailed description of survey and results, 1971, FO-SF/TAN 15, Project working document. Fuelwood production requires careful selection of appropriate species and development of afforestation techniques suited to local conditions. Where it becomes scarce or costly, the two most frequent substitutes are animal dung and crop residues, which could reduce the production potential of the soil The diversion of dung from use in agriculture is equivalent to burning food in order to cook food. Which of the alternative solutions to the consequent environmental, economic and social problems would be most effective and efficient in a given situation ? Therefore, the paramount factor determining the actual level of consumption of wood fuel that takes place to meet rural domestic energy needs is physical avail ability. An accurate assessment would therefore require continuous of repeated measurements throughout a twelve-month period. Founded in 2009, the Charcoal Project is supported by a global network of volunteer specialists that include scientists, conservationists, marketing, web, social development, and business experts. In addition to these critical areas, there are many where wood could be the rational choice over other available sources of energy. A CHARCOAL PROJECT IN TUNISIA - getting more calories out of scarce wood. The costs of this supervision, and of seedling, fertilizer and other materials are fully subsidized by the Government. Wood fuel resources can also be created, or recreated, by growing suitable tree species for the purpose. EARL, D.E. Why is Charcoal is considered a better fuel than wood? ¹ All data refer to gross (input) energy.² Animal dung and crop residues.³ Transport, crop processing, etc. How can the people who are affected by all this be best encouraged to adopt this solution, and what help will they need to implement it? FERGUSON I.S. The bulk of the charcoal produced in the world is made in kilns. It is reported from one large town in the Sahel that while until recently nobody used to haul fuelwood more than 50 kilometres, now it is common to go 100 kilometres. During combustion, the wood will undergo 2 to 3 different chemical reactions: 2 for pyrolysis with endothermic and exothermic; we must add a third for supra-carbonization, that is, endothermic again. The simplest earth kilns are simple indeed and require little investment and no specialized skills. A report prepared for the Government of Thailand, Report No. ¹ Fuelwood plus wood for charcoal. Within the framework of meeting demand for energy with wood fuels, a number of options exist. Charcoal is not a heavy commodity but it is bulky. At the levels of poverty that are all too likely to prevail, the poorer people will be unable to afford anything else. Investment costs for improved kilns (metal chimneys etc.) In the process, progressively more rural labour has to be diverted to the supply of fuelwood. TA 1287. Another factor noticeable in most successful fuelwood plantation schemes is the availability of adequate technical support, in terms both of planting stock and expert advice and assistance. 1964. Though the properties of charcoal vary with the wood raw material and particular woods have to be used for charcoals for certain special purposes, virtually all woods can be converted into charcoal. Present wood consumption and future requirements in Tanzania. Copyright © 2020 Multiply Media, LLC. On the basis of the latest information available and some recent household surveys, the total annual output and use of all wood for fuel in the developing countries is estimated to reach 1200 million m³ (Table 1). and ARNOLD, J.E.M. The subsidizing of rural fuelwood plantations that is entailed in such provision of technical services is an implicit or explicit recognition that the benefits are likely to extend to more than just the value of the fuelwood itself. The technical knowledge required is available. One type is the truncated pyramid kiln, which is used in Chad mainly in the informal sectors. Furthermore, the wood has to be cut with some precision and water supply is required for preparation of mortar. This also holds true for any investments in natural forest management. Fuelwood that could be collected in the immediate vicinity of most households a few years ago now has to be gathered and carried from a distance a half-day's walk away. The energy required for this step comes from the partial combustion of the wood, giving CO, CO2, acetic acid and methanol (up to 270 ° C). Because parameters like the humidity of the wood used, kiln size, and process control, play an important role, the relative gain of an improved technology ranges between 5% to 50%.
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