Haselip, J., Desgain, D., & Mackenzie, G. (2015). Cornish, J. The Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly (CCMA) in the Central Region will from Monday, April 27, 2020, commence a mandatory wearing COVID-19: Cape Coast Metropolis begins compulsory wearing of face masks from Monday However, like this study, a previous study by Mbanya and colleagues (1997),14 using an oral glucose tolerance test, did not find a relationship between rurality and self-reported diabetes. Furthermore, a manager’s financial literacy level is a demonstration of the level of financial knowledge he or she possesses or has acquired over time (Gustman, Steinmeier and Tabatabal 2012). Ghana: government, big corporations crowd out SMEs. Adomako, S., Danso, A., & Ofori-Damoah, J. It is expected that the capacity of the owner-manager to use source, use, manage and dispose funds is improved through financial knowledge. Demographic characteristics of respondents. There is no source of funding for our manuscript. WEG was the originator of the research concept. 12 out of the 16 regions have recorded cases. Similarly, diabetes had previously been touted as a disease of the wealthy and elite in developing nations. The demographic information for the Cape Coast metropolis was obtained from the 2010 Ghana Census. Journal of Financial Economics, 101(2), 449–472. statement and Joshi, A., Kale, S., Chandel, S., & Pal, D. K. (2015). Likert scale has severally been used in the study of behavior and its outcomes of which financial literacy falls into such category (Willits, Theodori and Luloff, 2016; Joshi et al., 2015). This paper, therefore, sought to assess how financial literacy of owner-managers affects the financial performance of SMEs in the Cape Coast Metropolis. Paris, OECD. Previous studies have attributed these challenges to access to finance, low capacity of research and development in technology, absence of business strategy and inadequate managerial competency (Asare 2014; Haselip, Desgain and Mackenzie 2015; Boateng and Poku, 2019; Al-Maskari et al. Among the variables chosen, budget control seems to be the main factor that owner-managers were more concerned with since a well-prepared budget will determine the performance of the SMEs. The exercise, which lasted for over three hours saw officers of the Police, Military, Immigration Service, the Ghana National Fire Service and the Prison Service participating. The measurement model was assessed to evaluate the individual loadings of each item's composite reliability, average variance extracted (AVE) and discriminant validity. Bloomington, IN, USA. 70–3 Similarly, the assessment of nutritional practices and lifestyle changes were all based on self-reported data and may have been subject to recall bias. Financial skills and knowledge have implication for how a firm select, uses, manages and disposes financial assets (Nunoo, Andoh, and Darfor 2015). Such knowledge (resource) has implications for effectiveness of financial decision and strategy the firm adapts. Management of business challenges among small and micro enterprises in Nairobi-Kenya. The majority of the survey respondents were female (246/468; 52.6%), under 40 years old (332/460; 72.2%), single (210/443; 47.4%), with at least a secondary school education (358/453;79.0%), and resident in the city (298/482; 61.8%). University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana, Educational Administration and Management, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana, You can also search for this author in A good financial foundation of the owner-managers of SMEs is a significant barometer of the success and growth in the performance of SMEs. http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/737211468139183866/Stimulating-managerial-capital-in-emerging-markets-the-impact-of-business-and-financial-literacy-for-young-entrepreneurs. SME firm performance-financial innovation and challenges. The finding from this study supports the views in Reich and Berman (2015) and Adomako et al. Eniola, A. Daily fruit and vegetable consumption were found to be statistically similar between the two groups (Table 3). By 2014, approximately 422 million individuals were reported to be affected by diabetes around the world.1 It is estimated that approximately 80% of diabetes cases occur in developing countries.2–4 The incidence of diabetes, as well as other chronic diseases, has increased significantly in the last few decades due to globalization and associated lifestyle changes. The Africa Report. N-terminal truncation of VC0395_0300 protein from Vibrio cholerae does not lead to loss of diguanylate cyclase activity. (2011). (2011) established that training in micro enterprise investment had a significant positive impact on the performance of the microenterprises. The exercise, was aimed at assuring the public of the preparedness of the security agencies to maintain law and order before, during, and after the December 2020 polls. Ironically, previous studies (Amornkitvikai and Harvie 2018; Sibanda, Hove-Sibanda and Shava 2018; Hossain 2018) have focused more on the availability and non-availability of finance but not on the literacy of the owner-managers in terms of financial knowledge and know-how.

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